The Sense Of Injury

Marcus Aurelius has wisely said, "Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears". 
It is a fact that An injury doesn't hurt as much as the sense of it. It is important to overcome the sense of injury more than the injury itself.
That's the secret to braving tough situations in life. Its all in the mind, if not all, most of it definitely is.
You are as strong or as weak as you perceive. You can easily defeat your demons if you keep a strong mind and, likewise, you can be easily defeated by your demons if you allow them to. Its upto you as to how you face the circumstances. 
Nowadays, we all are reading a lot of motivational stuff all over the media platforms and alongside that we all are experiencing gloom and sadness taking over us. But, as difficult as it may seem, it's not that tedious a task to let go of the sense of injury. And if you are able to do so, most of the job is done. The injury will tend to disappear faster if you do not pay much attention to it. 
We all know from our day to day experiences that it is an unsaid and unwritten rule of nature, the more you stress anything, the more complicated it gets. And in most of the situations, once you stop giving importance to the problem, it diminishes and bothers the least.
Hence, dealing with a problem i.e., a physical or emotional injury is more of a psychological task than anything else. 
In the pursuit for finding solutions to our problems, of any kind, we need to delve deeper into the subconscious and strengthen ourselves mentally so that the 'sense of injury' could not affect us  as much as it tends to. And when the sense of injury is dealt with, the injury will, undoubtedly be overcome.

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