Complexities Of Being Human Being

We humans are complex creatures. Extremely virtuous, yet easily corruptible. Overly cautious, yet completely careless at times. Being civilized, but acting uncivilized. Running behind what isn't, and denying what is. Our complexities and weirdness know no bounds.
The world revolves around our needs, our ideas and our wishes, because we own the privilege of being the most intelligent creatures in the world, and as we like to state, in the universe as well, even as we know that might not be true.
We ruin other forms of life to thrive, even though we know that ruining them will ultimately ruin it for us. We take pride in being called the brightest creatures, the title which was bestowed upon us by ourselves, but we end up behaving the stupidest. 
We take pride in our tendency to possess things which are lest important and for that purpose, we go to any extent, sometimes leaving our morals far behind. However, we do wish our generations to come should hold on to all the moral principles which we might never have done. 
Thus, human life is full of ironies, not practicing what we preach, not wanting what we have, not having what we want, not speaking what we think, not thinking what to speak, always ending up with if onlys and what ifs. And that's what makes us, human beings so complex in all our glory.

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