Mother's Day... Every Day

Its Mother's day and everyone is going gaga over it. A lot has been said and will be said so I just thought why not put a drop in the ocean. After all we are talking about the noblest and the only selfless human being on the face of earth, a mother.
We have all heard and said how a mother is God in human form and that is what makes the role of mother all the more important. Loving, caring and pampering are certainly her forte, but so is imbibing the virtues of justice and self discipline. A mother tells the difference between the right and the wrong. She not just praises praises achievements, but also corrects us if we are wrong. 
Motherhood is a universal phenomenon. The hearts of all mothers beat for their children. There is no denying the fact that a mother can sense your fears, excitements, anxieties, joys and what not. She's the ultimate psychologist in the world, she's the first person you remember in all your sorrows and happiness. 
But the other side of the coin is, motherhood comes with great responsibility. It is well said that a mother and a teacher are never ordinary, they can be the cradles of creation or destruction. It is upto a mother to ensure that a child be raised so as to become a responsible being. One who could contribute to the social framework, rather than burdening it.
Another important lesson that a mother needs to impart to her children is that of self discipline, a quality which is rather scarce in present world, but an important ingredient to live a meaningful and wholesome life. It must be assured that children know their responsibilities towards the society and it can be done simply by keeping them in loop about the day to day happenings and involving them in routine. 
The most important lesson that children need to learn early in their lives is to stand up for right and to not bear injustice at any cost. Injustice can never be justified and one who bears it is all the more guilty than the one imposing it. So, it is really necessary for a person to be able to stand up against injustice. These values need to be imbibed in one's life from a very young age and the person who is most capable of convincing and giving a strong impression at this age is a mother.
Thus, it is really necessary for a mother to fulfill this responsibility of raising children to be good, just and kind human beings. And I thank all the mothers of the world who are doing the same. That's the reason why every day of our life is mother's day, because we are the reflection of our mother's upbringing.

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