The 'Look'

A look says it all.
You just need to be vigilant enough to read the unwritten and hear the unsaid. 
There are many kinds of looks. A look of 'compassion', a look of 'kindness', a look of 'anger', or of 'jealousy'. It could be a 'warning' look or a 'challenging' look. The look of 'deception' is probably the worst of all. Or probably not, because sometimes there is the look of 'despise' which tops the former.
There is the look of 'surprise' and that of 'delight'. The look of 'satisfaction' matters a lot. But the look of 'happiness' is what matters the most. A 'judging' look can knock the air out of you, while an 'understanding' look can give a new lease of life.
There can be looks of 'suspicion' that no one wants, then there is that look of 'trust' which brings with it the look of 'confidence', while a look of 'distrust' takes it away. There are the looks of 'mischief' and of 'sincerity'. The look of 'foolishness' and of 'sensibility'. A look of 'dexterity' opens opportunities. A 'calm' look brings serenity.
There's the 'hard' look which keeps people away, and there's the 'soft' look which draws them nearer. A 'friendly' look is what everyone appreciates, and the look of 'appreciation' is what everyone works for. The look of 'aloofness' won't  get you many friends, but it does get you the chosen ones. The look of 'fear' is very common, while the look of 'bravery' is not. There is the 'furious' look and then the 'loving' look, both being the looks of extreme emotions. There is the 'distraught' look and then there's the 'perky' look.
Whether there is a thunder brewing or a calm underlying, a look tells it all, you just need to pay attention. 

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