
Recently while browsing the enormous web of information, the internet, I stumbled upon the fact that the symbol '&' which stands for ampersand is actually a ligature for the word 'et',
 which obviously means 'and'.
Ligature is a technical term, meaning something that facilitates or helps in tying or binding something and hence the definition of the symbol '&'. 
Its interesting how a tiny symbol holds so much. As soon as we use the term &(and), we open a universe of possibilities. There can be so much or so little that could follow it. Thinking of the expanse of possibilities brings amazement.
You place an '&', and you seek attention, interest, expectation, surprise, so much to seek from a tiny symbol. But it is what it is, putting & in a sentence makes it prone to so much. And such an interesting symbol makes it all the more exciting as to how it opens up an endless list of what could be next.
There is no denying the fact that there's no end when there's an '&'.

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