Stay strong


Sometimes in our lives we feel low, worthless, down, uninspired, demotivated, so many words but one feeling, the feeling of being nothing, totally wrecked. I'm sure we all feel it at some point or other in our lives.
I recall a recent incident when one of my own broke down to tears owing to a petty problem. And when i say petty i mean really really insignificant. But however insignificant the problem might have been, the reaction was huge. Now that set me thinking, maybe something was piling up for a long time and that set the stage for the sudden outburst.
In modern scenario, owing to so many complex problems it is really important to attain mental strength to find solutions, instead of letting them churn out the healthy spirit, leaving us sad and frustrated. It's really important, in such difficult times, to have a strong mind and soul, because we don't have a choice. We must live with the situations but in order to survive the extraordinarily tough situations like the present we must put our heart and mind into tasks that strengthen them. 
Bigger or smaller or giant, problems will be there its upto us to face them mightily, and trust me, no problem is bigger than a strong mind.
I would like to finish with my favourite line from Bhagavad Geeta, which continues to provide me strength in the times of distress. 
न दैन्यं न पलायनम् 
Meaning, do not be miserable and do not quit.
I hope this was helpful.
Stay strong,you all.

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