Phrases O' Phrases

Phrases adorn our language. They make conversations interesting and lively. There are a few which are very common, while there are others which are extraordinarily witty.
I was having a 'moment of thought' over the fact that how we do not realise the beauty of these simple phrases which colour the languages with their bright hues. 
On one hand, you just think, on the other hand you can go 'deep into thought'. You can either feel just happy or may be on 'cloud nine. You may be joyous or on the 'top of the world'. There may be a disagreement or a 'falling out'. People can just leave or 'grow apart' or, 'grow distant', for that matter. 
I would rather 'strike a conversation' than just start talking. Anyone could multitask but 'juggling between the tasks' makes it sound much more heroic. Not everyone could 'read between the lines', but everyone can 'give their best shot' at the 'task in hand'. Because, 'when life gives you lemons' you must be courageous enough to 'make lemonade out of' them, but, always make a decision in 'your right mind'. If you do so you'll certainly 'get through' life's exams with 'flying colours'.
A good phrase enlivens the conversation. Sometimes we use them without even realizing their very presence in the conversation. Using the right phrase for the right situation is an art that very few can master.
There's a plethora of phrases which we 'bring up' in our day to day lives, however, it is infeasible  
to mention every possible phrase, but there is 'no denying the fact' that if a conversation is interesting enough,  a good phrase is a 'feather in the cap'. 

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