Good Old Newspaper

We are living in the times of information overdose. There is too much information available, sometimes  much more than what is required.
Internet is the ultimate source of information nowadays but there are other sources too, like television, newspapers, magazines, etc.
Recently I happened to have a conversation about the importance of newspaper with a family member who owns a local evening daily. I always feel proud of him for living his dream and being courageous enough to go against all odds and start his own newspaper. So he was telling me that we always thought newspapers can never be outdated, but we might be wrong. Now that has set me thinking, newspapers are a necessity for a majority of people just like the morning tea or coffee. It's a part of the routine. So how can we even think of a life without newspapers. 
Newspaper has become so ingrained in our lives that we do not realise its importance sometimes. But recently when I gave it some thought, I realised that newspaper is actually much more useful than we acknowledge. It is a package that takes us round the world and it does not require any browsing or switching sites. It covers all of the world into those folded sheets of paper, be it the latest occurrences around the world or the latest trends in fashion, technology, education, business and whatnot. And all this information in a convenient package. You need not browse the internet for news from sports, movies, etc. Everything is right there, be it motivation or inspiration, you find all of it.
Newspaper  is the part and parcel of our day to day life. Most of us are accustomed to it like the morning tea or coffee. It's been there for years, and  continues to keep us informed with happenings around the world.
There is no denying the fact that internet is very useful and gadgets have made our lives very convenient, but the importance of newspaper hasn't lessened. Its charm hasn't subsided. It is still as important as it was ten, twenty or thirty years ago...the good old newspaper that has survived the test of the time will always be special. 

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