Lost Year?

These are the times of Corona and we all are struggling to survive. In fact survival is everyone's only concern these days. And it's very logical too, because all our achievements, past and future, will be worthy only if we exist. 
So, if we get through this pandemic, the year 2020 might be considered a lost year. This is because major events in science, sports, cinema, fashion world, business, and so on, are most probably not going to take place this year. 
We are facing a global challenge and this challenge is a major one, most of the researches right now are focused to one goal, finding a cure or vaccine to this problem. Major sports events that glorify sports worldwide are being cancelled owing to the global disaster. Same is the situation with cinema and fashion world. The world is stuck, struggling to come out of it.
However, the flip side of the situation is not too bad. There are people who are utilising there time and energy to bring out the best in themselves and the world. Creativity is being nurtured, families are coming together, so, those who know how to find a silver lining among dark clouds, are actually making pretty good use of this situation. 
There's some good news on environmental front as well. It has been observed that nature is reviving itself in all ways possible. There have been significant positive changes in the environmental conditions. The revival is under process and wildlife and nature are totally enjoying themselves, as the process of healing is certainly enjoyable and satisfying.
Therefore, it is upto each one of us to make sure that the year is not wasted away. And if there is enough revival in nature, then this certainly will be a gain year and not a lost one.

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