
Turbulence is chaos, unsteadiness and disorder. But, turbulence is the truth of life. It is impossible to have a perfect orderly life, by any means. 
No matter how hard we try to eliminate chaos, it still persists in one or the other aspect of our life. Somehow, somewhere, there'll be dysfunction, disturbance or turbulence. 
'Perfection' is a myth, and there's nothing wrong with imperfection, it is in fact, the very nature of existence. Disorder can never be completely eliminated. It cannot be done away with, as it exists in our lives like blood flowing in our veins. 
Turbulence, is a scientific concept, which defines the flow of substances, solids, liquids, fluids, etc. It is actually the nature of flow, which brings beauty to the process. Turbulent flow, is visually appealing, as well as fascinating, and not boring, like the plain streamlines.
The same applies to turbulent life situations, they test us, pressurise us, but also make life more fascinating and interesting. Turbulence, in the form of challenges, is the spice of life, adding the flavours of excitment to the journey of life. 
Turbulence tests us and brings strength of character. It is undeniable, even though it is unwelcomed. So, it's better to learn to grow with the turbulent flow, which governs our lives. At times it is important to envision how life becomes beautiful with a pinch of chaos.
However, turbulence doesn't often get it's due credit, it is rather despised and frowned upon. We run away from disturbances and chaos, trying to keep a routine. There is no denying the fact that system is important to keep up with life,but little bumps down the life's path make it all the more interesting and hence, should be welcomed. 
Thus, it's high time we become more open to the roughness that life brings with it, accepting the fact that, the tumultuous times actually enrich our lives, which would otherwise be bland and tasteless.
