Taking Away A Life: You Don't Own It

Insanity found a new definition with a recent incident involving extreme cruelty to wildlife. Life is precious, be it the life of a human or any other living being, and none of us qualifies at snatching it away from any of them.
The incident is an example of cruelty at its peak and this monsterity cannot be excused in any way. It's the classic example of inhumanity. There could be no possible explanation as to why such an act would have been committed.
We do not own a life and hence have no right to take it away. 
We are so wrong when we consider ourselves mighty enough to destroy a life. This type of brutality renders its practitioners unfit to be called human. 
Where's the human race headed, can't say for sure, but we do face the consequences in the form of pandemics, earthquakes and cyclones. If we do not live by the basic rules of humanity, nature's fury and wrath will be inescapable. 
Not good to hear, but that's the truth.
