Criticizing And Being Criticized

Criticism is crucial and so are the critics. The spirit of criticism lies in the fact that it leads  to improvement and betterment.
Criticism brings finesse and polishes skills, talents, etc.
Criticism is as glorious as it sounds, when you are the critic. However, it is equally difficult to bear, if you are the person being criticized. A critic is the epitome of justice, clarity and truthfulness, but the one being criticized usually feels the opposite. 
Human ego is so giant that it swallows all the positives that criticism brings with it, focusing only on the negatives. Human beings generally, and usually do not take criticism in a healthy spirit, and end up feeling belittled and demotivated. However, the same ego makes a critic think highly of their viewpoints, to such an extent that it sometimes reaches the point of brutality in thoughts and opinions.
Criticism is easy to practice, but not so easy to face. There's a world of difference between criticizing and being criticized. Attitudes change when roles change. This is  basic human nature, and we are customized and accustomed to it.
Hence, a critic, and the one facing criticism may be poles apart in their behaviours, attitudes, mindsets and thought processes, but there is no denying the fact that they are two sides of the same coin, as both play an important role in improvisation of techniques, things and what not, if, and only if, the criticism is constructive.

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