How And Why

'How?' and 'Why?', are probably the most asked questions of our times. As we get more and more informed, we in turn get more and more curious. We put up these questions to ourselves and to others.
Though weird, but the interesting part is that, our 'hows' are often answered but the 'whys' remain mostly unaddressed and unanswered. And more interesting is the fact that, we often mistake a 'how' for a 'why'. 
For example, science has discovered many phenomena, and has been able to explain several others. Thus, we oftentimes say that science explains 'why' certain phenomena take place or certain events occur. But, actually, science only explains 'how' these phenomena or events happen.
We know very well 'how' season's change, day and night occur, we know 'how' we get old and die, we know 'how' wind blows, earthquakes or cyclones occur, we are even trying to find out that 'how' the universe was formed.
But, we could never know 'why'. 'Why'  was the earth, or the universe formed, 'why' are we here, 'why' is the earth, the only unique planet, supporting life, in this large solar system, or maybe the universe, atleast that's what we know till now.
So, a 'how' can be quite convenient to answer, but a 'why' is what mostly remains a mystery. There are people who do figure out the purpose of their own lives, but, the puzzles of bigger 'whys' still remain unresolved.
