Nothing And Everything

Is everything the absence of nothing, or is it the other way round? What is nothing and what is everything? The questions are perpetually unanswered.
For one individual, money could be all they want, while for others family could be their everything. Your everything may not be the same as mine. Everyone's definition of everything is moulded by the circumstances and backgrounds that they belong to. 
We humans have a logical mind and critical thinking with a garnish of  complex emotions. Everyone's everything is different from everyone else's.
Now what's nothing? When what you want isn't there, then there's nothing? At least that's how we usually perceive nothingness. And it's no one's fault, humans are wired that way. Its ironical that there's so much to say about 'nothing'. 
The consequences of having nothing and everything too, vary from person to person. It depends upon the ability of an individual to deal with their aftereffects. Some people shrink in the aftermath of nothingness, while others bloom by turning adversity into opportunity. Similarly, having or getting everything also affects people in a thousand different ways. We see people around us, spreading joy and love everyday, sharing with others what they own in abundance. While we also encounter people who, despite all worldly possessions seem to have no heart to share anything with anyone.
Thus, it is pretty clear that the ideas of nothing and everything may vary from person to person but, if one doesn't have a heart that cares and shares, anything and everything zeroes to nothing. On the other hand, if one has a generous heart and satisfaction of mind and soul, a little anything, and sometimes even nothing, could count to everything.
