
Renewal is the soul of a happy and healthy life. It's crucial to rejuvenate from time to time in order to live a worthy life. Hitting the refresh mode in life is as important as in a machine. It declutters mind, body and soul.
Renewal is a 'must do' for finding peace amid chaos.
In ordinary life, we keep renewing things, subscriptions, plans, resolutions, goals and ambitions. Change is inevitable and renewal is essential. It not just refreshes, but also prevents mental and/or emotional clogging and blockages. 
Renewal is inexplicably beautiful. It brings a sense of newness, of starting afresh, forgetting what's unimportant, leaving behind the inconsequential, dropping the unnecessary, not letting the triviality bother you, letting go of trifles. Renewal bestows so much upon us, and it's goodness is immeasurable.
Renewal undoubtedly is crucial in preventing insipidness and bringing 'life' to one's existence.So, keep renewing time and again to lead a happy and content life.

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