Been There, Done That

In life, we often come across experiences which are novel to us. There are things that we do for the first time. Other than a few exceptions, who actually invent stuff, there is always someone who has been in a situation that may be your first. There is always someone who has done things that you find new.
There is always someone who has been where you are headed, and done what you are about to do.
There are instances in life when we take pride in our achievements or boast of our great deeds, but to tell the truth there is nothing unique about it. Someone, somewhere, has been there and done that.
However, there are people who defy the preconceived notion of 'been there done that'. They are the people who have literally discovered places and invented things or set records. 
Otherwise for commoners like us it's always a matter of satiating our endless thirst for fame and attention, it's all in the mind. Maybe, it is just that we think too highly of ourselves, maybe self praise is so prevalent, that it makes us forget the fragility of our beings. And there is nothing wrong with keeping a great self confidence, and thinking highly of oneself, as long as one is aware of the actuality. 
Because, the true knowledge of one's strengths as well as weaknesses is what keeps one grounded, which is the key to living a true life that rises above all the fakeness and glamour which blinds a person, making them forget the reality of their being.
In the words of Aldous Huxley, "you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad." 
'Been there, done that' is certainly one of the biggest truths of all times,as it highlights the brokenness of fragile human ego, which comes down crashing under the impact of this one phrase. It gives a powerful message that brings us all to a common level, the ideas of smallness or greatness diminish, and the line between mighty and meek is blurred and the boundry separating  smart and dumb diminishes.

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