Sense And Sensibility

When once asked in an interview about what is it that a person need to live a balanced life, Sadhguru replied, "sense". It's just a word but it says so much. In order to live a fulfilled and balanced life one must make sense in all their decisions.
Sense and sensibility are hard to find these days. We do not realise when we stop making sense in the rat race for fame, success, money, and so much. We gradually lose the sensibility to exhibit the basic human traits. Using any means possible for one's own benefits is the classic example of senselessness, because, it happens when we fail to make the decisions that are morally correct. Sense of things is what helps us differentiate between the right and the wrong. It helps us resolve the inner conflict, the conflict of mind and heart. When one shuns being sensible, the conflict takes over and the end results are usually catastrophic.
Sensible people tend to weigh every thought and action before moving forward with it. One has to be thoughtful to be sensible, it's a quality that is getting rarer day by day. 
Senselessness, on the other hand, is the lack of sensibility. It's the state where one stops making sense. Senselessness is often irritating and frowned upon, and usually leads to unwanted situations. 
Thus, sense and sensibility are crucial to attain a balance in one's life, the lack of which can lead to undesirable and disturbing circumstances.

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