
In the words of Marcus Aurelius, "What we do in life ripples in eternity". Ripples, as we all know are a kind of disturbance caused in a system, due to some external actions or happenings. The term commonly implies the disturbances produced in water due to something thrown into it. 
But, ripples are not just caused in water but in lives, minds, hearts and souls too.
'Ripple' is a very special term, as it is used to indicate a slight perturbation in a system. Of course there are other terms for disturbances. there could be a turmoil, a commotion, a hullabaloo, a disorder,a tumult, an instability or an upheaval, but none of them could explain a mild interruption as well as a 'ripple'.
A ripple is created in water when a pebble or a small piece of rock is thrown into it. A ripple is formed in people's hearts when they encounter heart touching or heart wrenching situations. A soul could get its share of ripples when it is awakened by enlightenment.
It is a known fact that whatever one does in life has consequences. Anything and everything done by anyone and everyone impacts the surroundings and people in one way or another. Good or bad, positive or negative, ripples are caused when any of us takes an action, as remarked by Frank Herbert, who had once said, "Each life creates endless ripples." 
We all must remember this simple rule of ripples, that whatever our actions, there will always be aftereffects. The consequences can be immediate or not so immediate, but, they'll certainly be there. 
Thus, it wouldn't be wrong to say that the ripples from our actions are inescapable. 
Today, tomorrow or later, ripples are inevitable, so why not create ripples that last longer and are worthy. You can at least give it a try.
Terry Pratchett has wisely remarked,"No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away". So, go ahead and create your own unique ripples that may last forever. Know that every word, every gesture, every expression and every action will turn into a ripple, so choose yours wisely.
