
Maroon colour holds a special place in my heart. Maybe because it has been an integral part of my formative years, being a part of the school uniform.
The colour maroon shone, on the all white uniform like a feather in the cap. It gave a different aura to the already shining whites. It added class and confidence. Though it's been years since I have been out of school, but the uniform and its charm has never, ever left. Until recently, my school followed the same uniform, and it's not been long since they made some changes to it. But that disappointed me. Probably because, that particular pattern has been so deeply embedded in the memory that it doesn't leave. After all, school years are the most influential ones.
Anyways, the term maroon has been derived from the French word for chestnut(or brown), as the colour has a slight resemblance to it. The colour signifies intense things like creativity of thoughts, ambition, strength, warmth, beauty, etc.
Also, it is believed that a person liking maroon colour often possesses a strong personality, that has fought adversities and came out stronger and wiser. Maroon color also signifies discipline and sincerity, owing to the struggles one faces, emerging out battered yet bettered.
Such a simple colour holds so much meaning behind it, and is undoubtedly the fittest for complementing the bright white in a school uniform, owing to the air of sincerity it reflects.
