Rose Of Venus: System And Symmetry

I recently read about an interesting celestial term, 'Rose of Venus'. It's a cycle that is the perfect example of system and symmetry found in nature.
Rose of Venus is the pattern that the path of Venus forms with respect to the Earth. This path is in the form of a flower with five petals. It's a proof of how nature holds beatiful surprises for us. 
It's an 8 year cycle, after completion of which, Venus comes back to its initial position, and the cycle repeats. The five petals of the flower represent the five stages of Venus' celestial journey.
These five stages take Venus from the status of being the morning star to the evening star, depicting the transformations that nature and life go through over a span of years.
This amazing cycle reflects the cycle of life, where birth, marks the beginning and death marks the end of it. 
3rd of June, 2020 marked the beginning of another cycle in the life of Venus. The various stages of this cycle last for about 18 months each, with Venus embarking on a wonderful journey that involves changing its alignments with the Earth and the Sun. 
This spectacular cosmic phenomenon reminds us that the beginning, blossoming and cessation are all part of a bigger play, the cosmic play.
