Trust The Process

 Many a times we come across situations in life when things happen to slip out of our hands. There are times when we see everything turning out to be just the opposite of how we want it to. Events seem to unveil not in our favour, despite all the hard work and effort that we put into it. 
In such times, the whole universe seems to conspire against us.
So, what can we do in such situations? When it seems you can't do much, there indeed is one thing that you can do and that is, to trust the process. Of course efforts and labour do matter and are a must. Of course one needs to give it their best in order to succeed. One should definitely be dedicated and committed to one's task. But, even when all of this is being followed, every requirement is being taken care of, even when you are going by the book, things just don't work out. That's the time when you need to leave it all to the great design and its designer, whoever or whatever that is. 
By trusting the process you attract positivity and good vibes, you make peace with the universe and its driving force. Even if you do not believe in the almighty, even if you are scientifically aligned, you cannot deny the fact that the universe works on certain laws. These laws are what control and govern everything that's happening or is going to happen. So, when you put your faith into this great design, you are giving out a positive signal and it is eventually reflected back to you in the form of what's best for you.
You may not always be triumphant or successful in your endeavours, you may not always get what you desire, you may not always get the best of everything, but believe it, you will always get what you deserve. You will always get what's best for you and meant for you. Sometimes, you gotta just believe, and trust the process.

Have you ever been in such a situation when you trusted the process and it gave back the best to you. Share with me in the comments.

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