The Purpose Of Our Being

We all are the victims of the routine life, everyone is stuck in the rut. Have you ever wondered in the middle of the mad routine, as to what is the purpose of our being. We all think about the possible mission that we are supposed to accomplish in this life. This is probably the biggest question of all time, why are we here? 
Well, I don't think anyone has ever been able to answer this question properly or particularly. The 'purpose' could be different for different people. And, it is mostly upto us to define and realize our own purpose. Others may guide or lead us to it, but finally it is ourselves who decide whether it truly is our purpose or not.
Many people realize their calling early in life, and once having done that, it is what directs their lives. They wake and sleep for that purpose and they literally live for that purpose.
Then there are others who may not recognize their purpose so easily. They have to learn it the hard way. They struggle with self to find out where they belong and what their path is. In such situations there is always a state of restlessness, which doesn't let one be at peace, until they find their purpose.
However, in any case, there is always an ongoing conflict between the mind and the heart. When this conflict is addressed in a justified manner, peace is attained. While if this addressal is unjust, there is more conflict and chaos. In fact, this theory applies to all the life's conflicts, be it between heart and mind or between people. It will be peacefully resolved only when the decisions are based on justice.
Anyways, about life's purpose, it is each one's prime responsibility to find it, know it and fulfill it, otherwise, there will be a life full of regrets and what ifs waiting ahead of us.
So, never ever give up on this pursuit for purpose, because, purposes are what make us feel alive, give us an edge in life, and make the battles of life fight worthy.
Have you found your purpose in life? Let me know in the comments.

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