One Hundred

Photo by- Yamini Dashora 
What do you think when you hear the number 100? A lot of things come to mind, one hundred years of life is an achievement in itself, a hundred, in exams or in cricket is considered a perfect score. Attaining a 100% at anything and everything is in fact everyone's unsaid dream and undebatable aspiration.
So, one hundred represents a milestone, an achievement of its kind. Of course there are bigger achievements than that, one hundred may not always be a great success,in terms of money or other things, but, for some reason, one hundred holds a special place in our hearts. 
As I write Relatable's one hundredth article today, I feel the same sense of joy as one feels on reaching their first one hundred, in cricket or in studies. Its is an undeniable fact that the charm of a 100 is unmatched.
It would not have been possible without my readers, who have supported and continuously inspired me to continue writing. Its difficult to keep moving without motivating, so I thank everyone, right from the almighty to my spouse, my siblings, my parents and of course my readers for being the stimulus and inspiration to keep working on making every coming article better than the previous one.
We all have experienced, at some point or other in our lives that going on is always tough. To continue with something is always a challenge. To commit to something, anything, is never easy, but a one hundred always pushes you to do more, work more, write more, and do it all better. 
This post is a big THANK YOU to eneryone who has been a part of this journey, everyone who has seen and helped Relatable reach its first hundred. With this support, we look forward to more hundreds. Here, 'WE' is YOU and ME, the writer and the reader, because a read is incomplete without both.
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