Room For Error

We all plan, and we plan all the time. We plan life, we plan events, we plan outings, celebrations, we plan major happenings, we plan how and when things will happen. Its quite normal to plan.
But many a times what we forget about while planning is, to leave room for error. We forget to include the possible glitches into our plans, the possible ways in which the plan might not work.
But in fact it is quite essential to plan not just how things should work but in what ways they may not work. It is crucial to have a vision wide enough to be able to visualize not just success, but the obstacles that might hinder the path leading to it.
But sadly, we often fail to do so. We often cannot look for the possible shortcomings of our plan, in any sphere of life, be it economic, leisure, travel or routine business. 
However there are people who exhibit extraordinary skills by planning not just for success but for failure too. These are the people that stand out in the crowd. 
The importance of leaving room for error stems from the fact that humans are always prone to errors. We are always falling and faltering. We are always making mistakes. After all that's what makes us human and not machines. By leaving a room for error we actually acknowledge the fact that we do make mistakes. And the acknowledgement of our mistakes and faults not just makes us humble but also makes us alert and careful.
By accepting the possibility of mistakes, we actually come one step closer to avoiding one, because, if we can see it coming, we will definitely try to prevent it.
So the next time you plan an outing do consider an unexpected weather change and plan accordingly. Or, in a business plan, do work on the shortcomings of your proposal to make it more acceptable. Always leave room for error and you will definitely benefit from it.

Do you ever leave room for error in your plans and does it help you? Do let me know in the comments.

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