Success Is...

Success, that which everyone desires and most of us strive for. But what exactly is success? When do you become successful, when can you be called successful and when are you considered successful? These are the bigger questions, that I'm sure each of us have had in our minds at one point or another. 
Can success be defined by any one criteria. Well, in my opinion, not. From whatever little experience I have of this life, what I have learned is that the meaning of success is different for different people. For some, name and fame are the synonyms of success, while for others a lot of money does the job. Some people want to excel at their work, profession, etc., as this is their definition of success.
There are some noble souls, who consider themselves successful when they do good for someone, when they bring a change to someone's life. To them the meaning of success is bringing smile to a face, or bringing food to someone's plate.
Then there are people who regard success as the ability to fulfill their dreams and ambitions. They consider themselves successful when they are able to do what they like or wish for. Following their passion is also considered as success by some people.
Thus, there could not be a definite meaning of success, as everyone perceives it in their own way. Also, I feel that the meaning of success keeps changing for any person, based on their emotional and mental maturity, their circumstances and experiences. 
Therefore its always better to stay engaged to your own idea and beliefs of success, rather than running behind someone else's ideas, which you do not even believe in. Do not get into the rat race, know your priorities and meaning of success, and try to attain it.
Only you can complete this sentence for yourself, Success is .........
So, what fills this blank for you, what is it that defines success for you, do let me know in the comments.

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