The Heart Of Our Land

They say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Recently, someone I know, and who is also a wildlifer, sent me a beautiful picture, which I'm attching here.

Picture courtesy: Amit Daiman

My friend who shared the picture told me that it was taken in a tribal region. The view and the backdrop of the picture is the very essence of its being. It is its meaning. It brings to life, the heart of our land that resides in such simplicity, away from all the glitter and glamour.
The picture is special in the sense that it incorporates everything that is natural and gives out a strong message as to how we can always work towards preservation of nature and its resources, no matter what era we live in. If you get into detail you'll find out that an earthen pot has been used for storage of water, the walls have been plastered with mud, it shows that the people here make good use of available natural resources and combine them with indigenous techniques to fulfill their requirements. They are closr to nature and hence are happier and healthier.
Another thing that is striking here is the fact that it highlights the conventional ways. The earthen pitcher, the mud painted walls, all of this traditional setup actually provides the perfect environment and temperature for survival. By ruining all this we are actually ruining our lifestyle.
I came to know that this human settlement is in a tiger reserve, and humans and tigers coexist here, in harmony.
Interestingly, it also captures a child in his curiosity, who is unwavered by any possible problems which he might face, rather he was more keen to observe the visitors, their techniques and equipments. The child's innocence is unquestionable and authentic.
This picture brings a plethora of emotions and a bunch of thoughts, but, what catches the attention is its simplicity. At first sight the picture seems randomly taken, but when you notice the details, you observe that it actually holds a lot of meaning. It presents a world that relies on sinplicity and sustainable utilization of natural resources and also captures the beauty of a child's innocence that doesn't know the boundries or restrictions and is fearless.
And the best part is, this simplicity is the very essence of our being. This simplicity is what nature is made up of. It is what we have inherited from mother earth, where, this quality is exhibited in every single element, but only if you pay attention.

What do you think of this picture, do let me know in the comments.

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