Not Everything's On You

Have you ever come across a situation where you have felt the anxiety of handling it all. It could be in professional, personal or family life, there is always a time when you tend to take it all upon you. Well, there's no need to. You need not always be burdened by the worries of the world.
You see, there is a thin line between obligation and burden, and one must understand it. There is no denying the fact that responsibilities must be addressed and fulfilled properly and genuinely, but to encumber yourself under undue demands and pressure is totally unfair.
The thing is, you can never do enough for anyone, the more you do the more will be thrust upon you, and we all know that its bitter but its true. Because, we have all been there, done that to others and have borne that upon ourselves. We have all walked upon that path, knowingly or unknowingly.
So, the big question is, how to decide what's responsibility and what's burden, how to know the difference between obligation and encumbrance. Well, its not so tough because, in nature and in humankind, there are clear rules and regulations about duties and responsibilities. All you have to do is go by those rules. And when I say rules, I do not mean the regulations which humans make and break for their own convenience, I am referring to the regulations that are genuine and just.
And, the bigger question is, how to save oneself from such undue stress and burden. The simplest way is ingenuity and clear headedness. You must take stand for yourself when you feel wronged, and trust me, most of your problems will be sorted. You must learn and know when to stop taking it all upon yourself, because not everything's on you.
Never run away from your responsibilities, perform them as best as you can, but do not get manipulated by the albatross, parcelled as duty and accountability, ready to be hung on your neck. There is a thin line and you must be aware enough to see it and not cross it.

Tell us if you have ever been burdened in the name of liabilities, and what you did to get over it. Share your thoughts about it in the comment section.

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