Our Way: Back To The Roots

We are living in an open world. There is so much information available that every person is familiar with ths happenings around the world. We now know much more about the lifestyle, cuisines, traditions and culture of other nations, than we did a few years ago. 
We have learnt a lot about other cultures and are embracing them and that's commendable and appreciable because it enriches us and our culture. But the irony is, we are leaving behind so much that is good about our culture, we are detaching from our roots, in order to fly and reach out to other cultures.
I do not say that the conservatism should be followed blindly, without thinking about its relevance and logic, but we mustn't forget our culture and traditions in the name of modernity. In fact tradition and modernisation, even though they sound opposing, actually make a beautiful combination. And when the right amount of both is mixed, the results are astonishing.
I don't intend to be negative here, but sadly, most of the youth today is looking down upon our own languages, food, food habits, traditions and ways of doing things. Our culture and glorious past is being ignored and the blind following of the west is in trend. And what's ironic is that, this rat race for appearing modern and elite is being run, even without the proper knowledge of basic facts. Those who take part in this race are generally unaware of where they are going, and also forget where they come from. This makes them 'caught in the middle', they could not be fully westernized, and at the same time they have no clue whatsoever about their own culture and ways of living.
Our country too has given us youth icons like Swami Vivekanand, who was a genius and always propagated the idea of science and spirituality going hand in hand, then why are we running behind what isn't our idea of modernity.
Our food is being globally recognized and acknowledged, then why aren't we able to acknowledge its pluses and health benefits.
Our texts are being read and translated world over, then why aren't we ready to learn from them. Here, I do not mean that texts in other cultures aren't worth reading, infact reading from every culture enriches you more, but not forgetting you own texts is the idea here.
The best way to do it, in my opinion, is to adopt whatever is good and positive in other cultures, but at the same time stay connected to your own roots and traditions. This is how we can bring about great changes and positive outcomes and at the same time can preserve our ethics, beliefs and ideologies.
Thus, accepting what's best in others but at the same time, staying put, and staying true to our roots is the way to go, because our way is what works best for us. 

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