Becoming Plastic

Recently I read about the shocking results of a research project. The research was carried out on a small level but the results were horrifying. It was found that there were microplastic particles present in the placenta of four out of six women who were studied.
It is a common knowledge that placenta is where the foetus derives all its nutrition from, while in the mother's womb. And if it is polluted, that means that the microplastic will eventually enter the foetus, and hence the baby is being polluted even before being born. 
The researchers found that the amount of plastic was large, i.e., about a dozen plastic particles in 4% of the placenta, so you can imagine how large this amount is for the whole of the placenta. Also, the microplastic particles are so tiny that they can even enter the bloodstream of the unborn child.
How insane and terrifying is that. How horrible our actions have become, we are at a point where the pollution caused by us has already started affecting the generations to come, even before they have come to the world. Can anything be worse than that. Can we get any more cruel and careless. As if our cruelty towards environment, wildlife, flora and fauna was not enough, we are now unfurling it upon the unborn humans.
It is being believed that the possible causes or sources of this kind of pollution could be the cosmetics, paints, and other synthetic products which have now invaded most of our lifestyle and become inevitable for living.
It is often said and believed that a mother's womb is the safest place that any living being could be in. Seems that it isn't the case anymore. The so called safest place is gradually turning into the place for onset of pollution in the body of these unborn children. Probably we are giving them not the 'gift of life', but the gift of sufferings and pain, a life which is not true to nature, but is mostly contrary to it.
So, the question is what can we do, how do we live without the amenities and facilities which are so crucial in today's scenario. Some might argue that it isn't possible to live a life of stone age in this era. Well indeed it isn't. Others may say that we are no activists or what change could we bring alone? And all this is true, but whatever little efforts we can make to be more near to the nature, we must do it.
Even the tiniest of our efforts could make a difference even if it doesn't seem so. Thus, it is high time and an eyeopener for all of us, if not now, then when, because not much is left to be destroyed anymore, if we do not try to revive what we have already spoiled, there will be no going back but only annihilation.

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