The Way The World Is

The world and its people, they surprise you, shock you and sometimes, amaze you. This is a mad world.
There is no absolute in this world, eneryone, everything, everywhere mould their opinions according to their conveniences. You may be popular and much liked, but only until you serve purposes for them. The very instant you shun being useful, you are out of the way. You will be admired and much liked, but only till you surpass them. If you come at par with them, they'll pull you down with all their might. If you do not know the ways of the world, and aren't shrewd enough, you might fall for them and they will instantly declare you a failure.
Sometimes, even the people whom you look upto, or seek inspiration from, let you down. When they see you doing exceedingly well and flourishing, they tend to conspire against you, demotivate and betray you. 
In most cases, there are no constants here, people change, ideas change, most of the time you are falsified and opposed. Stability is just an idea, and an unattainable one. There will always be some kind of unstability there, it could be financial, or in relations, or professional, you can never rest assured over the definiteness of life in this world. 
The world admires successful people, but doesn't want people around to be successful. The world urges you to fly but at the same time, wants you to remain tied to the shackles of its rotten ideas. The world is a funny place, it wants you to happy, but couldn't tolerate when you are happy. It doesn't want you to fall, but won't lift you up, if you do. The world wants you to do good deeds, but label you as a fool if you do them. The world wants you to feel special, but always takes you for granted. The world wants you to speak up, but hates you for doing so.
You can never do enough or be enough in this big bad world, somewhere, someone will always be better than you. So, keep doing your bit, your best, just do not lose your mind over what the world says, because it just says.

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