The 'Real' Struggle

The world is all into charms and external beauty. Being 'real' is a struggle here. You have to fight all odds if you want to stay as you are. Falsehood and show off give lucrative payoffs. While dislike, pity and being unfavourite is all you attain by being real.
It is a personal choice. Some people would rather be liked by everyone than be real, while others prefer to stay genuine, despite being disliked and looked down upon. 
So, those who are good at imitation and falsehood are easily able to woo people into believing their superiority. This quality in turn earns them favours, rewards, awards, and stuff which they may not even deserve. It does seem that being unreal really pays. Hwever, in my humble opinion one of the most precious virtues, i.e., ingenuity, cannot be found among such people. They may always be surrounded by people, be boss's favourite, get more popular, have more money, get early promotions, etc., but, when it comes to trusting them, no one does. Because, the most trustworthy people are the sincere and genuine ones.
However, there are a few perks of staying your real self. You need not pretend and be spurious. You need not switch personalities according to the situations, because you only have one that is real.
Being real is indeed a brave act in itself, because, even though they know the truth, people always tend to like and favour the pretense and fake. Because, false is always shinier and captivating. It is always more appealing because it seems so. But, truth be told, all this is only seemingly so. Inside the stunning coating is usually the 'not so delightful' persona. And I think the inside is what really matters. But, that's not how most people think.
Now that's how it is and you can't complain, and you certainly can't change the whole world. So, either you learn to be two faced with the synthetic personality that could get you all the favours and favouritism in the world or, you learn to live with all the wrath and injustice bestowed upon you for being 'real'.

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