Open Your Eyes, Do Your Bit

Yesterday I had the privilege of attending a webinar addressing the issues related to environment and wildlife. Subject and field experts presented their viewpoints and ground realities about the same. Ok, it was a routine session for everyone, but it really touched me and left me thinking hard.
What intrigued me most after being a part of this discussion was that wildlife and its conservation is not the concern of biologists and wildlifers only, it should be a concern for all of us because, wildlife is an important link in the life cycle on earth of which we are a part. 
Wildlife and environmental conservation are not just fields of study, they are the exigencies of life. We are dependent upon the wildlife for our survival. It nourishes and provides us with the necessities to live and grow. How can we leave upon others or take for granted what is ours to preserve and conserve. 
The aforementioned session was an eye opener and left me questioning the sensibility of earth's most intelligent creatures, the human beings. We behave as if conservation and concern for environment and other creatures is the duty of only a few activists or conservators. Now that's the height of selfishness and stupidity, how could it not be our concern when we need it to live. Without the wildlife and the environment as it is, the balance in nature will be ruined, and it could ultimately lead to the great destruction.
There was a lot of discussion about how the creatures which we often regard as useless, and destroy recklessly are actually really helpful for us. They help keep the surroundings clean and ensure the smooth functioning and balance in nature. I came to know that how we are being dumb enough to replace the native plant species with 'outsiders', technically known as 'invasive alien species'. As is clear from the name that these species invade the space and resources which are actually meant for the native species. And its not good. A layman could understand this easily. Its plain logic. Any plant species that grow in a certain place are actually meant to be there. They provide food, shelter, medicine, and many more things to the living beings in that area. Now if we start replacing them with some fancy plants which are not meant to grow there, but at some other place. These alien plant species have no use or purpose to serve at this place. This is totally against the laws of nature, it is just not meant to be.
It surprises me and at the same time infuriates me that human beings, the so called, wisest creatures on the face of earth could not understand this simple logic.
The thing is, contributing to conservation is not that difficult or technical, you can be a part of it just by doing what you are good at. You can help spread the word, you can start educating people, you can speak up about it, convince people about it, you can write about it, you can work on it. There are no set criteria, you just do your bit, that's what I just did. Please please please open your eyes before its too late.

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