Redefining The 'Normal'

These are the times of the 'new normal'. A lot of new things which otherwise seemed unlikely, weird or unfamiliar to us till a few months ago, are now a part of our routine. Everyone has come in terms with the scenario and here we are living the new normal.
A couple of days ago, the ICMR-NIN revised the criterion for normal human weight. So, from now on the normal weight of human beings is slightly higher than what was there for decades. Probably the reason behind this redefining is the change that has occurred in our lifestyle in the past few decades.
Anyways, whatever may be the reason, the point is, that standards and so called 'normals' can be twisted, changed and redefined according to the need of the hour. This flexibility of nature is what keeps us humans afloat and going in the face of adversities. Those who could mould themselves to fit the ongoing situations are the ones who will grow and flourish, and not just survive.
The aforementioned instances also highlight the fact that, there are probably no absolutes in this world. In the words of Charlie Chaplin, "nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles." So, what seems obvious and normal now,  could change anytime and become irrelevant or even unrequited.
This is a question of a lifetime, what exactly is normal? Well, some would argue that everyone of us has their own definition of normal. What is normal for one person may not be so for the other. This is the diversity of humankind. However, some might argue that certain 'normals' are absolute, they are common to everyone. Well true it is, but their permanence is still questionable, as in the current scenario. What was normal forever suddenly isn't. What was a way of life since ages, is not so anymore. 
Thus, it wouldn't be an overstatement to say that normal is actually a variable and it depends on the scenario and the situations that prevail. For now, all we can do is embrace the 'new normal' and hope for a 'normal' normal.

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