That's Not It...

In life we often go through phases that are unpleasant or unfavourable. There are the testing times or the heavy times which seem to burden us a lot. But then, we always think that the times of struggle or stress or disturbances will pass and finally there will be peace of mind. Finally, there will be a time when you will be able to enjoy all the blessings that life offers you and that too, without any terms and conditions. 
But it seems it doesn't work that way. You will encounter situations and problems and responsibilities and liabilities in one form or another at every stage of life. It never reaches to the stage where you have nothing to worry about. So, the thing is, if you keep waiting for the right moment to live life, if you wait for a hassle free life, you'll never get it. 
Its never over. The tensions, stresses and disappointments are a part of life as much as the happy moments and successes are. They are just the bumps along life's path. They are inescapable and unavoidable.
As we grow up, we realize that every age and every stage has a struggle of its own. When you are young your studies are your biggest concern. When you grow up a little, you encounter peer pressure and struggle to keep up and fit in. On growing up further, your concerns change, but do not go away. They just keep changing form. In youth years they appear in the form of love, career, familial pressure, etc. If you have kids you start to worry about them, if you do not have kids you start to worry about it. As your kids grow up, you worry about how they grow up, you worry about the right upbringing, just like your parents did for you. As you grow up, your parents grow old too. You start to worry about them as well. You worry about their health and other problems. Now when you become a grandparent you worry not just about your children but grandchildren too. And the vicious worry cycle never ends. 
Trust me, there will never be a time in life when you have nothing to worry about. So, it's better to live in the moment and look for the blessings that you possess now and here. Because, 'that's it' will never really happen.

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