Levels Of Awareness

Awareness is good. Being aware and updated makes you happier and more satisfied with your self. Awareness keeps you on your toes.
Now there are several levels of awareness. It has different manifestations for different people. You are as aware as you act. Being aware is different from knowing. You may know several things, but awareness is when you act accordingly.
Some of us choose to ignore the requirements, even when we have the knowledge of it. For example, everyone knows that wearing masks is crucial right now, yet we see several people ignoring the fact, and not wearing any masks. There are others who follow all the requirements strictly and positively. And then, there is the third category, the ones who choose the middle path. They do fulfill the requirements, but with their own convenience. They find a way to do what's required, but at the same time, manage to get it done their way.
Now, I think the third category is brilliant, because, they are able to modify things their way. They are able to customize the situations and actions to be fit to them. And its true in most of the situations. But, there is a flip side to it. Sometimes this customization may not work. Sometimes it could go wrong.
Now that has set me thinking, the thing is, you must know when to and when not to take a certain path or do things a certain way. Probably that is the true meaning of awareness, being able to decide, not just what to do but also when to do it and how to do it. If you can master it, then you will be truly aware and alert.
So, beware or be aware, but just BE THERE, because that's what counts.

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