The Usual

The usual is usually great. It represents the strength of what is. It is something that stays. It is more of a comfort thing. The usual family traditions, the usual celebrations, the usual chats, the usual sibling fights, the usual get togethers, all of these bring a sense of belonging and familiarity.
Usual is predictable, expected and known. You never feel insecure or lost with the usual. There is this sense of knowing that it will never let you down. Its easier to face when you know what's coming and when. I'm sure everyone of us loves their usual cup of tea or coffee, the usual comfort meal, etc.
The usual is a habit, it defines you. It makes you what you are. Your usual is an extension of your personality, a representative of the elements of your character. Your usual is the stuff that you prefer over everything else, where you find comfort.
However, on the flip side, the usual can sometimes be undesirable too. The usual tantrums, the usual pressure and stress make it irritating. The usual prodding and pinching is never liked or looked forward to. The usual tortures that people all over the world inflict upon other people are actually dreaded. The usual lack of conversation breaks people apart. The usual lack of enthusiasm breaks people down. 
So you see, the usual is great or not depends on what it is. But there is this thing about it that you know about its pros and cons and like it or not, atleast you know it.

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