Admiration And Familarity

George Sand, the well known French novelist had once remarked, "Admiration and familiarity are strangers." Well how true is that and all of us experience it to be true everyday, and all the time.
We rarely appreciate the people who we know well. On the other hand we criticize them as much as we can and at every opportunity that we get.
We often forget the significance of the people who are always there with us. Their constant availability makes us take them for granted. We forget how crucial they are for us and instead of cherishing their presence, we end up ignoring them. And the sad part is, a majority of us do that.
Its a common behavior among us human beings, we admire and look up to what's out of reach for us, but we forget or criticize what's bestowed upon us. We aren't grateful for the things and the people that we have. We end up admiring the celebrities, stars, scientists, educators, social workers, prize winners, neighbor's children, golden hearted people who are striving to bring  positive changes into the world, and that's reasonable, these people are admirable owing to their talent, good work, knowledge, nobility or the ability to impress people, and hence must be admired. But, what about the people around us, the people near us, our children, our spouses, our parents, our friends, what about those who make our lives worth living. Why not value them atleast as much as they deserve. 
See, its very fair to criticize the people you care about, because, you are doing it for their benefit, or to protect them or for some good, but at the same time, it is equally important to admire them for the good deeds they do, the happiness that they bring to your lives, the way they complete your life is admirable, and if you fail to notice that, you need to think again.
We need to realize that the people who make us happy and bring joy to our lives must be appreciated, it nourishes their soul, and makes them happy, which would in turn make us happy. The happiness is mutual and if you keep letting your ego come in the way of admiration for those around you, it will ultimately result in tensions and a lot of sadness on their part. The constant availability of people is another thing that ought to be admired, but on the contrary, it is unappreciated. They may not say it, but they won't be glad to 'not be admired'. Just give it a thought.

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