Important Is...

What is the most important thing in your life? This is probably the commonest question that we come face to face with at one time or other in our lives.
Well, what can I say, everyone has their own answer to this question, which may be a book, a dress, a person, a hobby, a prize, a job, a profession, food, money, love, health, good heartedness, oh there are so many things. As Tolstoy has famously said,'there are as many kinds of love as there are hearts'. So every heart holds something dear to itself, and considers it to be most important.
Thus, you cannot tell for sure what is the most important thing in this world because it varies from person to person. Though money seems to top the list, being the most preferred one by many, but in my humble opinion, after a while, its effect fades away. Because, in most cases, it could not buy us the peace and content that brings the real happiness. 
Anyways, no one could or should tell you what matters the most to you, I mean, just think, important isn't always winning the race, but to participate in it, to enjoy it. Important isn't having all the money in the world, but to feel content with what you have, important isn't having all the information in the world, but to make proper use of as much as you have, important isn't to always be at the top, but to be good at what you do. It isn't as important to have all the delicacies in your plate, as it is to enjoy peacefully what you have.
Important isn't having a stuffed wallet, but knowing that whatever you have is earned rightfully and is enough to fulfill your needs and help you live a peaceful life.
Important is to not go by people's opinions all the time, but to take a stand when you are wronged. Important is to speak up when required, and to stay quiet when need be. Important isn't what people think of you, important is knowing who you are, and staying as you are.
Important is to know what's important and make it a priority. Everyone of us gets to decide what's important for them, and important is to decide that.

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