What They Tell You

We hear a lot of things from lot of people everyday. People who are family, friends, relatives or colleagues. People who matter a lot to us or people who do not matter so much. Everyone has something to tell us, a suggestion, an advice, an opinion, a question, an assurance, or just a random comment.
Many of them say comforting words, others criticize, but honestly speaking, all of that is the spice of life. Without these random tells, life would be pretty monotonous, because, some of these are really, tricky, while others are entertaining, some are dumb, while others are interesting. Some are really fresh ones, while others are repetitive. It wouldn't be surprising if you stumble upon a little pretense or faking along the way. 
In fact, faking concerns, promises, assurances or helps is the most common thing that people do in their personal and professional lives. In my personal experience at work and in life, I too have had such encounters, where people say things that they don't really mean.
I have seen and known people, who, all the time, talk about equality, but take a quick U-turn when it comes to implementation. I have come across people, who present themselves as flag bearers of open-mindedness but back out instantly, when its time to exhibit it. I have known people, who call themselves ready to help, but are never there to help. I have been around people who say a lot but do nothing. 
However, such people are bearable, as they do not cause any harm, if not help. But, there are other type of people all around us, who do what they do not say, and say what they do not do. These are the damaging ones, because, they have hidden motives. Their words and actions never match, on the other hand, they defy each other, totally opposite. Such people say words of sympathy, but cause impairment. Such people need to be recognized, avoided if possible, and if they are unavoidable, then must be watched out for. 
So, next time, when they tell you something, analyse it before you accept it, and never mind, its just a part of growing up. 

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