Holding The Tongue

Holding the tongue is quite important for sanity, your own as well as others'. One must know when to keep quiet, and one must keep quiet when need be.
Speaking up is important but so is keeping quiet. Sometimes we provide immense relief to the people around us just by holding our tongue. 
The habit of speaking unnecessarily could create problems, makes one lose respect in people's eyes. It may cause discomfort to yourself and to others.
The habit of speaking even when not required is never appreciated, in no case should one do it, as it is irritating and disliked.
Sometimes we give out many secrets, which are otherwise meant to be kept to ourselves. And that may lead to breaking of trusts and relations. There are times when we annoy people by the habit of spilling the beans on matters which must be kept to ourselves. 
Knowing when to speak and when to remain silent is a virtue that very few people possess. Such people have a balance of thoughts and opinions, and a balanced attitude. 
Thus, holding the tongue is important to maintain peace and tranquility in one's life. And one who masters the tongue could win over people and challenges easily, and sail smoothly through the life's journey.

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