The Wallflower

Wallflower is a beautiful tiny flower that grows by the walls. But, the term is also used to refer a person who is extremely introvert. Such people are so reserved that they avoid social mingling at any cost. 
So, a wallflower is basically a person who attends social gatherings, but still manages to stay aloof and alone among the crowd. Well I can totally relate to this term and I'm sure many of you do too.
Now since I am myself a wallflower by nature, I will tell you what it is like to be one. It sure doesn't make you popular among people and the sociable ones always feel pity for you. You are not as gregarious as they are and that makes you the 'weird' one. 'Spoilsport', 'misfit' and 'morose' are some of the many term employed to define an introvert person or a 'wallflower'.
All this is because people do not understand the true nature of a wallflower. We have our own ways of having fun. Keeping quiet among all the chatter, and observing from a distance is actually the 'fun part'. We wallflowers really enjoy our own company and thinking is our favourite pastime. We are actually savoring the solace of not having to talk, when the world thinks we are lonely.
The greatest relief for a wallflower is to be left on their own, and the greatest nightmare is to mingle and socialize.
Now according to a common perception, the people who do not mix with other people or do not open up much, are considered to be either dumb or underconfident, but its not so. Being introvert is a part of one's personality and it doesn't make them less confident or less smart. On the other hand, they are more observant, more understanding and more focussed towards anything and everything.
There are a few 'perks of being a wallflower', like, you do not have to worry about finding company at social gatherings, also, you get plenty of time to think and to introspect. You are very confident of yourself because you know yourself very well, since, you are the one you spend most of your time with.
The sad part is, you do not have many friends to boast of, but the good part is, you don't need many, and the best part those few that you have, are the truest. 

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