From Me To Them

India marks the birthday of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan as Teacher's Day on 5th September every year. So was yesterday. This day sees great zeal and enthusiasm on part of students who try hard to make their teachers feel special on this day. 
I have been a student, and I too did the same, and now I'm a teacher and being a teacher I think its a sweet gesture on part of my students.
Now, I'm a learner for life. I believe in learning every day and from everyone. 
I have had my invaluable lessons in life from people, things and events all around me. And I'm grateful to all of them, and I'm sure all of us are.
But, first and foremost,we should be thankful to our parents for teaching us how to walk, run, fall, but get up. I have learnt tolerance, honesty, strength of character and mind from my parents. 
Also, we must be grateful to our academic teachers, at school and at college, who taught us what was necessary to grow academically and socially.
There are other teachers as well, that we all have had in our lives. There are the siblings who gave us the first experience at living in a society. They taught us how to survive in harmony with people around us. 
Then there are friends, who taught us the greatest lessons in love, cooperation, support, brotherhood/sisterhood, and even betrayal.
There are teachers all around us, we learn how to love from the people who love us, we learn how not to hate from the people who hate us. We learn how to rise from the people who raise us, and we learn how not to belittle others, from the people who belittle us. We learn tolerance from the tolerant and from the intolerant ones as well.
Those who lift us teach us that people should be lifted, those who pull us down teach us that people shouldn't be pulled down,and instead lifted. Those who support us, let us grow, those who oppose us, make us grow. Those who hurt us, make us stronger, those who heal us, make us stronger. 
Every person, thing and happening around has the ability to teach, only if you are ready to learn.

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