Their Glory

We all have those relatives, friends and sometimes close family members, who are influential, powerful and/or important. These are the people who have made a mark and proven their mattle to the world, etching out a place for themselves in their respective fields. And we obviously feel proud to be aqauainted to them. We even mention them proudly every now and then during relevant conversations.
But, the thing is, you cannot dwell upon anyone else's success for too long, and you shouldn't. It is great that you are known to and known by so and so, or are friends  with someone big, or are related to someone great, but all the glory that you bask in is theirs. You can use it for only too long, and at some point you must stop. 
Any achievement, attainment or win is yours to boast only if its yours. Otherwise, how long can you cling to their persona and aura?
Of course, one must feel proud of friends, acquaintances, and family members for their good work, and also seek inspiration and motivation from them to pursue good and great things. 
One must strive to reach that glory themselves, rather than just admire it about others. 
I do not endorse or support jealousy here, I just mean to say that however special or great their achievements may be, they are theirs to call, as their hard work, sweat and tricks of the trade have been put in to attain them.
So, do admire the achievers around you, but try not to grab a piece of their achievements, and a chunk of their glory all the time, instead, work to get your own.

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