Down The Memory Lane

There's this thing about nostalgia, it hits you hard. No matter how comfortable or happy you are now, the past always seems better than the present. Maybe the reason behind it is, our past holds our roots and we are always attached to the roots, no matter how far we fly.
Nostalgia doesn't discriminate, rich or poor, big or small, one couldn't escape the charm of nostalgia. It brings with it the days gone by, which we wish, we could get back to.
People mostly get nostalgic about their  childhood days. Those carefree days are what we all miss and wish for. People get nostalgic about other good times too. The times spent with their loved ones, the times of success, the times of wealth and prosperity. 
Nostalgia is tricky. It brings both tears and smiles, the emotions of happy and sad intermingle here. The mixed contradicting emotions are probably the result of the fact that reminiscing good times makes us happy, but realization of the fact that those good times have passed, brings sadness. 
Nostalgia holds different meanings for different people. For some, it is the emotion where they find solace, for others it is the reminder of lost glory which they still take pride in.  Some people hibernate in their nostalgia to come out ready to face challenges, while others immerse themselves deep into it.
No matter who you are or what you are, nostalgia is inescapable. It gets you to the places you couldn't go, helps you meet people you couldn't meet anymore. It wouldn't be wrong to say that nostalgia presents a world away from the world, where we all want to be.

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