
A tricenarian is a person in their thirties, or between 30 to 39 years of age. So, me with many others fall in this category. Now what is so special about this age. To tell the truth, every passing year brings new experiences and new lessons to learn, in everyone's life. So, what makes a thirty special? 
Who could answer this question better than anyone who is thirty. So I'll tell you my take on 'turning thirty', and surely you will relate to it. By the time you turn thirty, you are completely over the 'dreamy' phase of life as reality begins to take over. Though this phase begins already after 25, but, it is at full bloom when you turn thirty. 
At this stage, you begin to understand other people's viewpoint slightly better and priorities are clearer now. There is a major shift in the way you think, act or react about things, events and circumstances. You are more open to ideas and opinions. People start to matter more, and needless things don't matter any more. You get to know people better, read their minds better and set the priorities straight. 
At thirty, you tend to keep away from people who are toxic and situations that clutter your mind. Although work and responsibilities take up most of the time, but one always tries to find time for their interests and inclinations. 
Thirty is the time when one has to give the most to career, family and social norms. But, at the same time one doesn't want to lose any moment of true happiness. You actually learn that happiness lies beyond all the showy shiny glamorous stuff, it lies in the heart.
Turning thirty sees a drastic change in food habits and choices. Eating healthy, eating less and eating early become the choice as well as the necessity. One starts to prefer home cooked fresh food instead of junk and fast food. At thirty one cuts the drama around likes and dislikes in food, and savors what's on the plate.
Thus, life's plate for a tricenarian is full of mixed flavors, and the good thing is, they start to take life as it comes, chewing what needs to be chewed and swallowing what needs to be swallowed. 

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