Self Driving Car And Morality

So, I read about this social experiment where people were to take a quiz about a self driving car and the possibilities or choices that it should make. People are asked that should a self-driving car prioritize humans over pets, passengers over pedestrians, more lives over fewer, women over men, young over old, fit over sickly, higher social status over lower, law-abiders over law-benders.
Millions of people joined this experiment and proposed their preferred course of action. Now, as diversity is the very nature of human beings, so there were different opinions and answers regarding the situation. But what's more interesting is the fact that the opinions and suggested actions were diversified by geographical boundaries. It means that people from certain countries chose one action, while those from certain others opined otherwise. It proves that the our culture and beliefs play a major role in our moral decisions. 
It was found that people from the cultures where elders are given much respect and regard, chose for the car to save the old over young. Depending upon their cultural beliefs people chose whether to save men over women or the other way round.
The responses to the experiment give an idea about a nation's moral beliefs. The nations with a culture that stresses over self over others found its people choosing to save young over elderly, more people over less people, fit over sickly and even higher social status over lower. On the other hand the nations with more empathetic beliefs and culture, where society is considered to be above individual see people choosing the other way round.
So, the results from this social experiment interestingly bifurcates the world on the basis of belief system. It also emphasises upon the fact that we are made up of our beliefs and cultures. No matter how hard we try to let go, it always stays with us. Our desicions reflect our upbringing and where we belong. It is not about right or wrong. Because everyone just stands by what they think is right.  
Thus, a person's cultural background undoubtedly forms the basis for their life goals, choices, behaviour patterns, decisions, reactions and what not. It won't be wrong to say that our culture is what we are made up of and its important to protect and promote it because it is the very essence of our being.

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