There's A Time

Whenever I feel low or left out or sad about life not going the way I would like it to, or events unfolding rather unfavourably, I feel anxious. I think we all relate to it. I think all of us go through this kind of feelings and emotions.
Everyone one of us is designed that way. We do not take failures well, disappointments make us anxious, unfavourable situations make us go haywire. We lose our calm and peace if things don't turn out the way we want them to. Most of us do that. There are a very few who could stay sane and unshattered in the face of rejections and disappointments. 
Well for some time, since life has begun its trials upon me, I have started to see things differently. I'm now changing my attitude and perspective. I now believe that there is a right time for everything to happen. Things, people and events happen only when it is there time.
If you give it a deeper thought, you'll realize that all of the nature and all of the universe is bound by the inevitable shackles of time.
It seems that nothing escapes the great design that controls and regulates the happenings and unhappenings. Things will happen as and when they are meant to be happen.
Life would be so much better if we understand that there is a time for everything. There is no use losing your mind over what you cannot control. So, its best to keep your mind under control. One must keep working and striving for what they desire and wish for, but at the same time, should be accepting and ready to embrace what comes along. Keep working for your goals and aims and dreams, but if there is a delay or failure, be brave enough to swallow it and move ahead.
Things will fall in place when they are meant to be. Be patient and accepting of people, and situations. 
I remember a beautiful couplet probably written by the great poet Kabir Das Ji, which goes as,

"धीरे-धीरे रे मना, धीरे सब कुछ होय, माली सींचे सौ घड़ा, ॠतु आए फल होय।", 

It roughly translates to, " have patience, don't lose your mind, for as much as you water the plant, it will give fruits only when its the right season and time."
So keep working but keep an open mind and wait for your time to come. There is a time for everything, a few lines from a beautiful hymn remind me of it.
These lines go as,
There’s a time, there’s a time
Both for sowing and for reaping there’s a time.
Time for losing, time for gain,
Time for joy and time for pain,
Every purpose under heaven has a time.
Just wait till its your time.

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