When You Read

Reading has always been close to my heart. I have always preferred reading over socializing or befriending people. Some people may regard this as highly unacceptable, especially the outgoing ones, who consider it a sin to enclose oneself in a room and spend time with books while avoiding people. And they too aren't wrong, I mean, its an individual choice as to whether you want to mingle with people or keep your head into a book, and we ought to respect both.
But, that's not the point here. The point is, what happens when you read. Well you can take my word for it, that you learn a lot by reading. You learn about things, you gain awareness and so much more. Books help you enter a different world, takes you places, shows you things, lets you meet people, and, all that you may not be able to do otherwise.
Books are probably the most intelligent invention ever, what a way to pass on information, knowledge, experiences, wisdom and what not. You can get all your answers in some or the other text of the world.
Some may argue that there are much more advanced ways like articles and websites on internet, and books made with paper are the least advanced and hence not the most intelligent invention, but, I would humbly defend books by stating the fact that, the origin of all the advancements, the idea behind digital reading platforms, at the heart of it all are the age old books. And, I'm sure no one could,  or would, deny that.
So, there is no denying the fact that reading is one of the best things that you can do. When you read you experience so much, there is a plethora of emotions, learning and facts, you learn other people's point of view, you learn that there is no limit to humankind's ability and creativity, and how diverse our world is. When you read, you learn about anything and everything on the face of the earth and, it helps you get better at anything and everything.
So, no matter what you read and how you read it, no matter what platform you read it on, when you read you open up possibilities for yourself and in turn for others, the possibilities of growth, learning, ideas, techniques, passions, dreams and enlightenment. What more can you ask for?

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