Are You A Fool?

In life we all have been through and will go through moments where we are made to feel foolish for doing the right thing. There are several moments where you do things based on your moral beliefs, but they are outdated for the materialistic world, which leaves you wondering whether you are a fool.
When most of the world is running behind the modern day 'God', the money, we tend to stick to our values and what's right. We are the kind of people who, if need be, will go an extra mile to get things done and we sure are unfit for the world, and hence seem foolish.
There are instances, when you are at odds with the rest of the world, and feel like you are going the wrong way, but, you know in your heart that it is the right way. No matter how eccentric it seems, but you tend to cling to the good old values. In the money minded world, you may be called a fool, for you try to preserve and nurture relationships.
You will be considered foolish if you are not a sycophant or flatterer. You will be treated as out of the league and kept at bay at all times. You will be regarded as unimportant and insignificant, but atleast you will be true to self.
Considerateness is often frowned upon in the over practical world, so, you are considered foolish if you are considerate. You will be called foolish if you do not run the rat race or do not join the show off squad. It doesn't matter if you are actually good or sweet or caring, its important that you appear to be all of these. And if you can't pretend to be what you aren't, then you will be labelled a fool.
But, at the end of the day, rest assured that being genuine, considerate or real isn't foolish and at the same time being a cheat, show off or fraudulent isn't smart. In fact you are a rare breed if you are considerate and genuine. You just gotta be clear in your mind and satisfied in your soul about what you are doing, and how you are doing it. Just don't wrong anyone and you are fine as you are.
So, no matter what they say, you aren't a fool if you are doing the right thing.

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