The Ultimate Conspiracy

The universe, its existence and functioning have always been matters of curiosity for the human race. There are a number of theories that try to explain how and what goes around this great design.
But, nobody knows for sure what's true and what isn't. There are conspiracy theories that claim that all the events in the world are controlled by a group of individuals who decide how and what goes on here. And it might as well be true. Since ages we have believed in the existence of an omnipotent entity, that fits our belief system. So isn't the conspiracy theory a manifestation of that belief. It maybe, or may not be. Who knows?
Then, there is the simulation theory, which sees the human civilization as a part of a simulation, and obviously being controlled by some higher being. It is as if you are the part of a video game and your controls are in someone else's hands. Your reality is indeed artificial and your life is just a program. Now this is interesting and terrifying at the same time. 
Not just these, there are umpteen number of theories which try to explain the universe and our world, and we don't know if any of them or all of them are correct or false. But what's intriguing about them is their origin, what could be the reason that such hypotheses are being done, such unbelievable theories are being put forward. I mean, there got to be some ingenuity to it. But we don't know anything. 
However, one thing is clear, all these theories stem from humankind's ultimate quest for reason and logic.
That the universe and the world exists, that humans are the most intelligent creatures, there must be something or someone at the root of it. There are even theories claiming that human race, in its present form, derived its intelligence from the alien genes in an encounter that took place thousands of years ago. There have been several forms of human species, but only present ones were able to survive, because of their adaptability and intelligence.
Such theories are extremely intriguing, path breaking and jaw dropping. But yet, we do not know for sure why and how we are here and for how long, no one has been able to determine for sure, the reason and basis for the existence of the universe and the world. But it sure gets more and more interesting with each theory that tries to dig deeper to uncover the secrets of the world and the universe. We could do nothing but watch in awe, as the ultimate conspiracy unfolds.

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